My 24 Hours in Newport Beach

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_DSC9671_Credit Felix DanishwaraANDesign CEO and founder Andrew Namminga shares his favorite spots for work and play.

By Connie Ho

Andrew Namminga is a man who takes the adage of “wearing many hats” to a whole new level. At his Newport Beach-based product design company, ANDesign, Namminga oversees all aspects of projects, from the initial design concepts to production in China. His mornings consist of meeting with designers, interfacing with customers and exploring different product options. In the afternoon, he’ll coordinate with his office in China to review manufacturing operations until about 10 to 11:30 p.m.

“My job is to take all the information and funnel it altogether,” Namminga says.

Founded in 2007, ANDesign has made its mark as a one-stop-shop creative design company that focuses on the full spectrum of product development, including 3-D modeling, prototyping and package design. The company employs a mix of industrial designers, mechanical engineers and software engineers, as well as a team that develops websites, apps and marketing and sales strategies. “Because we’re able to do everything, the people who work here get different experiences than what just a general engineer or general designer [do],” Namminga says.

This focus on collaboration rather than segmentation has helped ANDesign grow its clientele. The firm has worked with a number of startups that have been featured on shows like “Shark Tank,” in addition to businesses on crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

The company is currently located in a warehouse in a local industrial area, which breeds both creativity and entrepreneurism. “There’s a lot of advantages here—not just the character of the area but also the mentality,” Namminga adds. “There’s a lot of young entrepreneurs in the Orange County area, and we are able to find a lot of the young guys and gals and help them build their business.”

Here, the product design tycoon lets us in on a few of his favorite spots in the area.

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The Common Room, a specialty coffee bar, is a hub for moguls of all types. “The people are really cool and every time we go there, we will normally meet another young entrepreneur.”

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For lunch, Namminga enjoys visiting Bear Flag Fish Co. with his team. “We go there at least twice a week; we’ll get fish tacos or ahi poke, which is my favorite.”

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A nontraditional barbershop just over the border in Costa Mesa, the Eagle & Pig is where Namminga gets the occasional haircut. “I was exploring one day and saw a bunch of cool motorcycles, a cool hot rod and old-school trucks in a shop. I’m always walking over there and getting my haircut and a beer.”


Every CEO needs to recharge and for Namminga that means taking a drive in his 1930s Ford Model A down the iconic Pacific Coast Highway. “It’s the most fun car to have; it’s slow and bouncy and can cruise,” he says. “I’ll maybe find a nice parking spot, go down to the beach with my dogs, walk a little bit, and jump back in and cruise a little more.”

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Namminga and his wife, Lisa, enjoy going to the iconic Port Theater to see a film and grab some food. “We’re big time into the movies, so we try to go and see all the cool, new movies there.”


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