My 24 Hours in Newport: Shane Baum

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shanebaum-2013-2Shane Baum of Leisure Society shares his ideal day around town.

By Bria Balliet

Blink, and you might just miss Shane Baum. Though he lives in Newport Beach, the cultured jet-setter has a packed itinerary thanks to the success of his luxury eyewear brand, Leisure Society. Even before launching his own line of fashion-forward frames, Shane had built a reputation in the industry for designing and distributing eyewear for the likes of Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Rebecca Minkoff via Baumvision, a company he launched in 2001.

But between the design meetings in Paris, fishing trips in Iceland and pheasant hunting in Scotland, there’s nowhere he’s happier to be than in Newport. With Leisure Society and Baumvision’s U.S. headquarters just down the road in Costa Mesa and a home near Newport’s famed beaches, Shane loves the city he calls home. Here, he shares how he enjoys his downtime before setting off on his next global adventure.







shutterstock_19987843Morning Catch

“One of my favorite things to do early in the morning is go across the street from my house and fly-fish near river jetties for bonito and halibut. … I find that very soothing.”


sailboat_isolatedCoastal Cruise

“I would spend some time sailing in Newport Harbor. … One of my best friends is a 72-year-old man named Basil, so I like to go with him. He knows what he’s doing more than me.”


The ferry from Balboa Island. Photo © David Poller 2010Ferry Tale

“I have a little 1956 Mercedes convertible, so I like to strap [my daughters] in, … then take [it] on the ferry over to Balboa Island and have lunch at the Village Inn.”


shutterstock_189821054Center Stage

“I have season tickets to the ballet [at Segerstrom Center for the Arts]. My mom was a choreographer and my oldest daughter spent the summer training with the Joffrey Ballet, so I like to [go to shows].”


2014 Sept FrontPortraitHRSeaside Supper

“For a romantic dinner, … The Dock is a really nice and intimate place. … It seats like 25 or 30 people, and it’s right on the water—you can actually take a boat there.”

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